P4620 IonizAir
Q: Does this unit emit ozone?
A: Yes. The P4620 IonizAir has been tested and does not exceed an ozone level of 0.05 parts per million as is required by the UL standard.
Q: How many negative ions does this unit emit?
A: The P4620 IonizAir emits 2 million negative ions per cubic cm.
Q: How much area does the IonizAir cover?
A: The IonizAir can effectively cover an area of 400 square feet.
Q: What if my room is smaller than 400 square feet. Can I still use the product?
A: Yes, you may still use the IonizAir.Because there can be a build up of ozone in the room, I suggest letting fresh air in the room by opening a window or a door.
Q: What if my room is larger than 400 square feet? Can I still use the product?
A: Yes, you may still use the IonizAir. However, it may take longer to effectively, rid the air of pollutants. We recommend the user to purchase another if immediate results are expected.
Q: The check light keeps coming on. What’s the problem?
A: Try cleaning the blades. Make sure they are absolutely dry before turning the unit on. If the check light still comes on, the unit is defective. Give return instructions.
Q: The unit makes a high pitched whistling noise.How can I get rid of the noise?
A: Try cleaning the blades. Make sure they are absolutely dry before turning the unit on. If the noise persists, the unit is defective. Give return instructions.
Q: It says in the instructions that I have to turn off the Ionizair after 6 hours of continuous usage, is there any harm in running it longer?
A: No there is no harm to running the Ionizair longer than 6 hours especially if you have someone in the house that has allergies etc. You can run it all day if you wish there will be no harm to the product. However, since this unit emits ozone, we advise the user to let fresh air enter the room to dilute or let the ozone escape.